Once upon a time away from school

Once upon a time away from school

Social network sentiment analysis



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Once Upon A Time Away From School Provide Insight Into How Students Felt During The Time Away From School Because Of The Pandemic. The Joy Of Vacation And The Growing Anxiety When The Start Of School Is Nowhere In Sight; People's Psychology Also Fluctuates With Each Hot Trending News. It's A Social Experiment For Every Student. It Also Tests The Family Relationship, Economic Management, Social Relations, Learning Attitude, And Students' Learning Environ- Ment. It Also Tests The System And Culture Of Higher Education In China. Let's See The Data, And It's A Visualization From The Social Network.

My role

Topic Define And Web Scraping

Data Mining And Cleaning

Data Visualization

Website Design And Development

Video Making And Poseter Design


Mood overall visualization

Timeline racegraph

Emotions Of Different Type Trending Filter Manually



Data Visualization



Once upon a time away from school
Once upon a time away from school
Once upon a time away from school
Once upon a time away from school
Once upon a time away from school
Once upon a time away from school
